
ePortfolio for production

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eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning - ePortfolio for production

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It will take you approximately 3 hours to complete this section. For a shorter introduction, watch this case study video





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What are ePortfolios?


Portfolios are compilations of personal and professional work for documenting and describing skills, growth, or development. An electronic portfolio (also known as an eportfolio, e-portfolio, or digital portfolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over-time.


Please click here for a detailed overview of ePortfolios from EDUCAUSE. 


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What will I learn from this page?


This page provides guidance to practitioners who wish to learn how to use ePortfolios to facilitate and support learning through production, as per Diana Laurilliard’s model. By actively engaging with the content of this page you will be able to:


  1. Outline and discuss the benefits of using ePortfolios as part of a learning and development programme.
  2. Discuss the application of ePortfolios into an established educational programme. 
  3. Provide an overview of the steps involved in creating an ePortfolio and the key areas for consideration. 
  4. Discuss the various components of ePortfolios. 
  5. Practice the development of an ePortfolio using a recommended product.
  6. Evaluate the use of ePortfolios in the context of reflective learning.


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Why should I consider ePortfolio for production?


Activity 1: Watch this short video from the University of Derby, in which the student talks about how she uses her ePortfolio and the benefits she has discovered...."learning is a lifelong process and my ePortfolio allows me to document my journey along the way".



Activity 2: Watch this short animated video where an academic discusses a number of problems she has such as communicating notes from a conference, designing a new module and sharing podcasts. The clip examines how ePortfolios can solve these problems.




Activity 3Read this paper Preparation for Lifelong Learning using ePortfolios. In this paper the author discusses how ePortfolios were used to support and foster an environment of lifelong learning at Massey University.


Task: Having reviewed all the material above, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following questions:


  • How could you apply ePortolfios into your current teaching practice? 
  • What is your perception of the benefits of ePortfolios? 


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How can I use ePortfolio for production?


Activity 1: Review this document outlining detailed Guidelines for ePortfolios in Higher Education from eduhub.ch. The document provides guidelines in the following areas for teachers:

  • Step-by-step guide for teaching using ePortfolios
  • How to give feedback using ePortfolios?
  • How to assess ePortfolios?


Activity 2: Review this blog on Guidelines for Developing an ePortfolio from Haiku Learning. The blog discusses a step-by-step process to consider when developing an ePortfolio from definition to review.


Activity 3: Read these ePortfolio Guidelines for the Msc in Applied eLearning in Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) particularly the section on ePortfolio as a creative process. This section is based on the four characteristics of creativity from (Craft 2010), namely:

  • Pluralities
  • Playfulness
  • Possibilities
  • Participation 


Task: Having reviewed all the material above, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following question:


  • What are the key considerations and challenges in setting-up ePortfolios as a learning tool?


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What products can I use for ePortfolio for production?


Activity 1: Watch this video on using Mahara as a tool for developing ePortfolios.



Activity 2: Watch this video on using wordpress as a tool for developing ePortfolios.



Activity 3: Watch this video on using Weebly as a tool for developing ePortfolios.




Task: Having review the three tools outlined above, set-up a an ePortfolio site for yourself using one of theses tools. Once this has been completed, please answer the following questions on the discussion forum


  • How user friendly did you find the product?
  • What functions of the product did you like? 
  • What functions of the product did you dislike? 



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Give me an example of using ePortfolio for production!


Activity 1: Watch this case study from the University of Wolverhampton on using ePortfolios as a reflective tool.



Task: Having reviewed the case study, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following questions:


  • Can you identify one/two interesting or useful piece(s) of learning from this case study?
  • Were there any aspects difficult to understand?
  • How did this case study help you think about the design of ePortfolios for your course?


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Tell us about your experience of using ePortfolio for production.


Please use the comment box below to tell us about your experience of using ePortfolios for production. If you have created a resource elsewhere, please provide a link.


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