
Simulations for practice

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eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning - Simulations for practice

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It will take you approximately 3 hours to complete this section. For a shorter introduction, watch this case study video




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What are online simulations?


The word simulation implies an imitation of a real-life process, usually via a computer or other technological device, in order to provide a lifelike experience. An education or training based simulation is a virtual medium through which various types of skills can be acquired or practised. Simulations can be used in a wide variety of education programmes but particularly in areas with a focus on skills development and application. The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed; this model represents the key characteristics or behaviours of the selected physical or abstract system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the simulation represents the operation of the system over time.


For further information, please refer to this article - Simulation Technology in Higher Education - Uses, Trends and Implications.


The main benefits of online simulations in education are:

  • Provides opportunities for students to practice skills in a safe environment.
  • Creates ownership of the learning experience for the student.
  • Enhances the overall engagement level of students during an educational programme.
  • Creates an opportunity for specialisation within certain competency area.
  • Develops core competencies such as decision-making, problem-solving and teamwork.
  • Provides a medium for teachers to track the application of knowledge over a period of time.


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What will I learn from this page?


This page provides guidance to practitioners who wish to learn how to use Online Simulations to facilitate and support learning through practice, as per Diana Laurilliard’s model. By actively engaging with the content on this page and following the links provided you will be able to:


  1. Define online simulations and their potential uses in education and training programmes 
  2. Discuss the application and potential benefits of using online simulations
  3. Provide an overview of the main guidelines and considerations for designing an online simulation 
  4. Practise the development of an online scenario using a recommended product
  5. Evaluate the use of online simulations in the context of problem based learning. 


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Why should I consider online simulations for practice?


Activity 1: Watch this short video from Christiana Care Health System's Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center. This video is an example of how the simulation center is used for training as part of orientation for new nurses at Christiana Care. Here, nurses are allowed to rehearse the protocol for assessing a patient who appears to be suffering from alcohol withdrawal.



Activity 2: Take part in this online simulation - The Blood Typing Game - from Nobel Media. The purpose of the simulation is help users pratise taking blood and also the process of deterring different blood types. 


Activity 3: Take part in this online simulation - Understanding Computer Hardware - from Smartbuilder. The purpose of the simulation is to help users understand the different components of computer hardware.


Activity 4: Review this paper from Spinello (2004) in California State University on the Use of Online Simulations in Problem Based Learning. Results of the study suggested that a Problem-based Learning (PBL) experience based on a community simulation may be effective in providing a motivating and interesting PBL tool for students.


Task: Having reviewed all the material above, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following question:


  • How could online simulations be integrated into your current education programme? 


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How can I use online simulations for practice?


Activity 1: Watch this video on preparing for online simulations from edtech.  It describes the preparations teachers would need to make before utilising online simulation games in their classrooms. 


Activity 2: Review this guidebook on Best Practice in Simulation Design. It provides a step-by-step process for developing simulations using a case study approach. 


Activity 3: Watch this short video from Creators of the Delmar Online Training Simulation for HVAC, Doug Donovan and Steve Quirk, talk about the effectiveness of using simulations in education. The video advocates the use of online simulations as part of an overall blended learning programme.



Task: Having reviewed all the material above, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following question:


  • What are the key considerations and challenges in using online simulation as a learning tool?



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What products can I use for online simulations for practice?


Activity 1: Watch this video on using Second Life as a tool for developing online simulations or scenarios.



Activity 2: Watch this video on using Articulate as a tool for developing online simulations or scenarios. 



Activity 3: Watch this video on using Adobe Captivate as a tool for developing online simulations or scenarios. 




Task: Having reviewed the three tools outlined above, create a short scenario-based learning activity using one of the tools. Once this has been completed, respond to the following questions on the discussion forum


  • Which product did you choose? 
  • How user friendly did you find the product?
  • What functions of the product did you like? 
  • What functions of the product did you dislike? 


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Give me an example of using online simulations for practice!


Activity 1: Watch this case study from the University of Leicester on the use of Second Life to help students to develop an emergency evacuation plan for an oil rig.




Task: Having reviewed the case study, post a message to our discussion forum in response to the following questions:


  • Can you identify two things from this case study that you found interesting or useful?
  • Were there any aspects that you found difficult to understand?
  • How did this case study help you think about the design of online simulations for your course?  


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Tell us about your experience of using online simulations for practice.


Please use the comment box below to tell us about your experience of using online simulations for practice. If you have created a resource elsewhere, please provide a link.


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