
Etools which support problem based learning and inquiry learning

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eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning - Etools which support problem based learning and inquiry learning

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I would suggest here to do as many of the activities below as possible, or at least one, before visiting the very useful site in the task section below.


Activity 1: Watch this wonderful video from the Dayna Laur and Buck Institute for Education which aligns Web 2.0 tools to PBL. The tools are listed in terms of the design, management and assessment of PBL online. It also discusses the appropriateness of the tools to PBL. (to assist you to dip in and out; introduction and design  ~0-20 minutes, assessment ~20-30minutes, management ~30-40 and review ~40-50minutes)

What else if very useful in this video is that she addresses the main criticisms that appear about PBL and discuss how the webtools are useful to ensure that these issues are addressed.



Activity 2: Visit this website which collates different tools under different phases in inquiry learning ( and PBL).


Activity 3: Visit this website which lists the tools for in three major activates for PBL, collaborate, create and collect.


Task: After reviewing some of the websites above and armed with knowledge of webtools new and old visit this website and perform the tasks outlined. They help map the etools to the important components of PBL


Further resources:

  • Visit this website for a list of Web 2.0 tools which can be used for education.
  • Visit this website which lists 11 Essential Tools For Better Project-Based Learning. The website includes a mind-mapping tool but mostly focuses on presentation tools.
  • Many of the Google apps are perfect for online PBL and the Google website dedicated to education is a very useful resource

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