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eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning - Inquiry

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This form of learning requires students to search out, critique and use resources from different locations.  It requires more active student learning.  For example, it follows a process of brainstorming, information gathering (online or other) and then critical group discussion or presentation. 


There are many technologies that support problem based learning in an online environment. The two links below will give more information on these. The first link introduces and discusses Problem Based Learning (PBL) in general. In this link you can find descriptions of some of the principals of PBL, some of the essential components required for successful implementation, examples of how to move PBL online and and some products examples which allow the entire PBL environment to be developed and controlled in an online system.

The second link provides a list of etools which are useful when facilitating a blended learning approach to PBL.



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