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eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning

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Saved by Aine Galvin
on December 17, 2013 at 2:30:17 am

eToolbox: Mapping Technologies to Learning


How to Use this Resource


This is an open educational resource for educators interested in designing and developing an eLearning course/activity.  It is structured around six different types of teaching-learning illustrated below. 


Start Here and review some principles of good eLearning design and an overview of the six different types of learning .


Technologies that serve the six different types of learning are presented below.  Depending on how much time you have at your disposal you can opt to work systematically through a series of activities, tasks and case-studies (up to 3 hours work) or you can go directly to review the technology in practice. 











Developed in Dublin Institute of Technology by the following students on the MSc Applied E-Learning programme: Aine Galvin, John Kilroy, Aaron MacRaighne, CiarĂ¡n O'Leary, December 2013



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